Apostle Chris Omatsola, whose sex tape went viral, has been forced to relocate his church after he began receiving threats following the release of the sex video. After the sex video went viral, the lady featured in the video, Princess Tamaratokoni Okpe, claimed it was Omatsola himself who leaked the video to get back at her for breaking off their engagement (read here ). But Omatsola has denied being responsible. On the day the video went viral, Omatsola took to Facebook to ask his members to pray for him. He wrote: Let he or she that is without a sin among you be the first to cast a stone. Friends, pray for the church of God; pray for Zionwealth Church; pray for #ChrisOmatsola.God bless you. #ApostleChrisOmatsola#IstandwithACO #ZionwealthChurch #SatanWillNotWin #John8v7. In a recent interview with Punch, Omatsola revealed that he has relocated his church and only core members know the new location. The Lekki and Ajah locations of th...
Media Mogul, Dele Momodu on Tuesday said Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is the reason some Nigerians still have hope in President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration. Momodu stated this while describing Osinbajo as pillar of APC administration who has made significant achievement in the past few years. He noted that Nigerians would not have noticed the weakness of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration if Yemi Osinbajo was made to perform professionally, citing his period while as acting president. He, however, pointed out that Osinbajo has not been able to perform at his best because of “banal politics of parochialism in the country.” Momodu on his Twitter page wrote: “I love our Vice President PROFESSOR YEMI OSINBAJO for many reasons, smart, intelligent, cerebral, God-fearing, energetic, and so on… He is one of the reasons many of us placed high hopes in the BUHARI Government. “He and a few others have made significant contributions to the modest achievements of this...
Manchester United manager, Jose Mourinho has named Juventus as a club likely to win the UEFA Champions League trophy this season, ahead of both teams’ clash on Tuesday night at Old Trafford.
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