
Showing posts from November 7, 2018

Mess up what the Devil has been doing in 20 years in your Life with 20 minutes of Fire.

Man wanted to clothe himself when God clothed him with glory. Man can't meet his own needs without God. Adam sowed a fig leave rage but God killed an animal. The covenant was made by the blood and the fur was used as the clothing as suit. Fear connects with death. Faith in God  is Faith in God. Fear is Faith in the Devil. Romans 8:1 if you walk on your 5 senses the devil will condemn you. Walk after the word of God. Physical body gives you facts about reality of your problem. Listen it was through Faith your physical body was created and through Faith it will be healed. But  by the stripes of Jesus I am healed that is Facts in the spirit I believe it. John 14 the words I speak are not my own. Speak God's own words in any Situation his words are life you don't need to know how it works just speak it. Faith comes by hearing by the word of God. Fear comes by hearing and hearing by the Lies of the Devil. Somebody say I am free. Satan  says you are sick that is facts not