Why Men ought to be more concerned about their health!
. Looks as if Nigerian men are paying the price for
neglecting their health, with more men dying prematurely every
But common male health problems can be detected and treated earlier
(if not prevented) with better awareness and regular
check-ups. Listed are some of the health issues highlighted
by experts and how to cope with them.
A Testicular Lump: Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 20
to 35, so any lumps or abnormalities in testicles should have urgent medical
attention. Most lumps are benign but it is vital to get them
checked because treatment is much more effective if cancer is diagnosed early.
Go to: www.orchid-cancer.org.uk. Abdominal Obesity: This
affects 30 per cent of adult men. Fat around the midriff is particularly
dangerous because it secrets toxins that increase the risk of various medical
disorders. Those affected are made more susceptible to high cholesterol,
diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Abdominal obesity can also
lead to fat-related cancers such as bowel and pancreatic cancer. Go
to: www.nationalobesityforum.org.uk. An Enlarged Prostate: This presses on
the tube that carries urine from the bladder, making it harder to pass urine.
This can be a sign of several prostate diseases, including cancer.
Other symptoms include frequently waking up in the night to pass urine and a
pain or burning when you do so. Go to: www.orchidcancer.org.uk.
Impotence: Most men have problems getting or keeping an erection at some point
in their life, but if the condition lasts for several weeks, a doctor’s advice
should be sought. Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of more serious
conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. Lifestyle
changes can help, though medication such as sildenafil(Viagra) might be
prescribed. Go to: www.nhs.uk/conditions/erectile-dysfunction.
Strokes: Strokes are the most common cause of death.
Although there’s a genetic
predisposition, an unhealthy lifestyle more than doubles your stroke risk, according
to researchers at the University of East Anglia. They stated that even
slightest raised blood pressure can dramatically raise the threat of stroke
among younger and middle-aged people, so be sure to go for regular checkups.
Self-help: Key changes in lifestyle can play a huge part in warding off this
common killer. Choose a breakfast cereal fortified in folic acid to raise
levels of foliate, a B vitamin that is thought to reduce the risk of stroke.
Other good sources of foliate are brown rice,
Brussels sprouts, asparagus and
oranges. Bring National Convention to Asaba -Delta PDP Youth See your dentist
regularly, as gum disease is linked to stroke and heart disease risk. A study
of 100,000 people found that those who had their teeth scraped and polished at
least once a year had a 24 per cent lower risk of a heart attack and a 13 per
cent lower risk of a stroke in the seven years following.
It is thought that
when the gum becomes inflamed, bacteria leaks into the bloodstream and causes
damage in the blood vessels. Got to: www.stroke.orR.uk. Type 2 Diabetes:
The main symptoms are: needing to pass urine more than usual, especially at
night, feeling thirsty; losing weight without trying to; tiredness; blurred
eyesight; genital itching or thrush; and cuts that take a long time to heal.
Self-help: “Up to 80 per cent of cases can be delayed or prevented with
lifestyle changes,” says Pav Kalsi, clinical adviser at Diabetes UK. Try the
following measures:- Watch your waistline: “Even if you have a normal body mass
index (BMl), a large waist—defined as 31.5in or more for women and 35in or more
for men—means you’re most at risk,” warns Pav Kalsi. Eat more fibre: Walnuts
and whole-grain foods such as brown rice and wholemeal bread and pasta are said
to help. Reduce
Stress:Researchers at the University College London claim that
having a stressful job can double your risk of diabetes. If you’re
overdoing it, make sure you set aside at least two nights a week for quality
relation time. Go to: Use the online assessment tool at Diabetes UK
(www.diabetes.org.uk/riskscore) to measure your risk. Moles: Check moles
regularly for changes in colour or shape. Most changes are harmless but see
your doctor if a mole has altered in appearance, becomes itchy or if it starts
bleeding. It can then be checked and removed if necessary.
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